
si simple, si compliqué..

Simon Coulombe

Date de publication

16 août 2024


con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = ":memory:")

copy_to(con, nycflights13::flights, "flights",
  temporary = FALSE, 
  indexes = list(
    c("year", "month", "day"), 

copy_to(con, iris, "iris",
  temporary = FALSE, 
  indexes = NULL

lazy connect to the tables

flights_db <- tbl(con, "flights")
iris_db <- tbl(con, "iris")

if the table is in a schema, use dbplyr::in_schema:
# working with schema

To write to a table in a schema, I can use DBI::Id() and dbplyr::in_schema(), like so:

DBI::dbWriteTable(con, DBI::Id(schema = "my_schema",   table = "iris"),  value = iris, overwrite = TRUE)
iris_db <-  tbl(con,dbplyr::in_schema("my_schema","iris")) 

note that dbWriteTable is pretty slow, consider using the bcp tool when working with real database.

generate a cool sql query using dbplyr and across

my_query <- iris_db %>% 
    across(.cols = starts_with(("Sepal")),
           .fns = list(mean = mean, min = min)

my_query %>% show_query()
  AVG(`Sepal.Length`) AS `Sepal.Length_mean`,
  MIN(`Sepal.Length`) AS `Sepal.Length_min`,
  AVG(`Sepal.Width`) AS `Sepal.Width_mean`,
  MIN(`Sepal.Width`) AS `Sepal.Width_min`
FROM `iris`

download the result from my query

my_query %>% collect()
# A tibble: 1 x 4
  Sepal.Length_mean Sepal.Length_min Sepal.Width_mean Sepal.Width_min
              <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>           <dbl>
1              5.84              4.3             3.06               2

remotely execute the query using dplyr::compute() and save under a new name in the db. Normally I would set “temporary = FALSE”, but it doesnt work with rsqlite.

This is useful when I want to use dbplyr to generate SQL code (like using across above), but I want the processing to be done by the SQL server. No bandwidth or CPU would be used in this case.

#compute(my_query, "my_query_output", temporary = FALSE)
compute(my_query, "my_query_output")
# Source:   table<`my_query_output`> [1 x 4]
# Database: sqlite 3.45.2 [:memory:]
  Sepal.Length_mean Sepal.Length_min Sepal.Width_mean Sepal.Width_min
              <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>           <dbl>
1              5.84              4.3             3.06               2
my_query_output_db <- tbl(con, "my_query_output")
# Source:   table<`my_query_output`> [1 x 4]
# Database: sqlite 3.45.2 [:memory:]
  Sepal.Length_mean Sepal.Length_min Sepal.Width_mean Sepal.Width_min
              <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>           <dbl>
1              5.84              4.3             3.06               2

some notes on SQL translation

  • nrow() doesnt work, use tally().
  • unique() doesnt work, use distinct()
  • ifelse() doesnt work, use case_when()
  • left_join does work well with join_by() :
    left_join(table_b, join_by(key_a == key_b))

Azure Synapse specific stuff

How to list tables in a specific schema

tables_available <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='my_schema'")

How to rename a table

rename object my_schema.test to test_bak ;

Dont forget to use distribution….

create table my_schema.my_sample with (distribution = round_robin ) as select top 100 * from my_schema.my_full_table

Insert rows



  author = {Coulombe, Simon},
  title = {dbplyr},
  date = {2024-08-16},
  url = {https://aidememoire.netlify.app/rstats/dbplyr.html},
  langid = {fr}
Veuillez citer ce travail comme suit :
Coulombe, Simon. 2024. “dbplyr.” August 16, 2024. https://aidememoire.netlify.app/rstats/dbplyr.html.