Executing an SQL script from R after injecting some values from R in that script

Invalid object name…


Simon Coulombe

Date de publication

12 septembre 2024

Challenge: I have an old SQL script that I want to run. I also want to edit a part of that script using a value provided by R.

Let’s say this is my full script that we will want to run.
All it does is create a table called “prout” out of thin air, then creates a new table “prout2” from that first table.
We will also want to replace the final table name ‘prout2’ with some variable.

script <- "

/* this query has 
intentionally messy 
create table prout as 
    2 as COL_A -- with a comment here

-- or wherever

/* and some more commen ts here */

create table prout2  as 
    * -- with a comment here

      -- and some helpful comment here
    -- or wherever

con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = ":memory:")

Step 1 - cleaning the script

# pass in either a text query or path to a sql file
clean_script <- function( text_or_path = '//example/path/to/some_query.sql' , echo = FALSE){
  # modified from Tori Oblad's script https://stackoverflow.com/a/58446028/5657234
  # if sql path, read, otherwise assume text input
  if( stringr::str_detect(text_or_path, "(?i)\\.sql$") ){
    text_or_path <- text_or_path %>% read_lines() %>% stringr::str_c(sep = " ", collapse = "\n")
  # echo original query to the console 
  #  (unnecessary, but helpful for status if passing sequential queries to a db)
  if(echo){cat("\nThe query you're processing is: \n", text_or_path, "\n\n")}
  # remove comments 
  clean_script <- text_or_path %>% 
    # remove all demarked /*  */ sql comments 
    gsub(pattern = '/\\*.*?\\*/', replacement = ' ') %>% 
    # remove all demarked -- comments 
    gsub(pattern = '--[^\r\n]*', replacement = ' ') %>% 
    #remove any line break, tab, etc.
    gsub(pattern = '[\r\n\t\f\v]', replacement = ' ') %>%  
    # remove extra whitespace 
    gsub(pattern = ' +', replacement = ' ') 

cleaned_script <- clean_script(script)
[1] " create table prout as Select 2 as COL_A ; create table prout2 as Select * FROM prout ; "

let’s try and execute it

dbExecute(con, cleaned_script)
[1] 0

Here we get a warning that is pretty clear “Ignoring remaining part of query: create table prout2 Select * FROM prout ;”. This means the 2nd part of the script won’T be executed.

At work, SQL Server just tries to run all queries in parallel and will return “Invalid Object Name: prout” because the second script tries to read from a table the first script hasnt created yet.

Step 2: split the script into multiple queries and execute them

The quick fix is to split the queries and execute them one at a time:

dbRemoveTable(con, "prout")

split_script <- function(script){
  unlist(strsplit(script, "\\s*;\\s*"))

queries <-split_script(cleaned_script)

execute_queries <- function(con, queries){
  for (query in queries){
    message("executing query- ", query)
    dbExecute(con, query)

execute_queries(con, queries)


Step 3 - edit the SQL script from R to inject some values

Now let’s say that I want the output of the final output table name to be editable by R. This is where glue_sql() comes in and it is pretty neat.

First, we modify the original script to replace ‘prout2’ with {output_table_name}.

script_with_editable_table_name <- "

/* this query has 
intentionally messy 
create table prout as 
    2 as COL_A -- with a comment here

-- or wherever

/* and some more commen ts here */

create table {output_table_name}  as 
    * -- with a comment here

      -- and some helpful comment here
    -- or wherever


Then we clean the query, and we apply the glue_sql function to all queries:

dbRemoveTable(con, "prout")
dbRemoveTable(con, "prout2")
output_table_name <- "new_table_name"
cleaned_script <- clean_script(script_with_editable_table_name)
queries <-  split_script(cleaned_script)
updated_queries <- purrr::map(queries, ~ .x %>%  glue::glue_sql(.con = con))
execute_queries(con, updated_queries)
dbGetQuery(con, "select * from new_table_name")
1     2




  author = {Coulombe, Simon},
  title = {Executing an SQL script from R after injecting some values
    from R in that script},
  date = {2024-09-12},
  url = {https://aidememoire.netlify.app/rstats/clean_and_execute_sql_script.html},
  langid = {fr}
Veuillez citer ce travail comme suit :
Coulombe, Simon. 2024. “Executing an SQL script from R after injecting some values from R in that script.” September 12, 2024. https://aidememoire.netlify.app/rstats/clean_and_execute_sql_script.html.